Saturday, October 22, 2016

The Infant Has Moved to Another Site

So, my pal Matt helped me set up this thing called a world-wide-website where I can post things to the internets. It's here:
You can go there and subscribe to posts by electronic-mail.
And, I've also got this nifty thing called a Facebook "Page:"
I plan to post my creative-type content—songs, stories, shorter writings, and other things starting with "S"—to these sites and use this Facebook account wall for mostly family and friends stuff.
Feel free to give it a "Like" and "Follow" and invite your friends along for the ride, if you'd like to see those things from me. Or, if you don't, don't.
(And if you need your own world-wide-website, look up Matt Heerema at Mere Agency. He's groovy.)

Please visit: